Score Sheets
Mens Doubles
Mens doubles badminton scoresheet, with 4 players per team. Each player is ranked 1-4. Each ranked player always plays their opposing rank, rotating with each team member. Each game wins a point (first to 21 or 2 clear), with a total of 12 points on offer.
Mens ScoresheetLadies Doubles
Ladies doubles badminton scoresheet, with 4 players per team. Each player is ranked 1-4. Each ranked player always plays their opposing rank, rotating with each team member. Each game wins a point (first to 21 or 2 clear), with a total of 12 points on offer.
Ladies ScoresheetMedley Doubles
Medley doubles badminton scoresheet, with 3 men, 3 ladies and 3 mixed pairings. The men and ladies are ranked and play level doubles seperately, with a mixed paring at the end. Best of 3 wins a point (first to 21 or 2 clear) for a total of 9 points on offer.
Medley ScoresheetCup
Handicapped Cup Mixed Doubles. With 3 mixed pairs and a final handicap that can be entered before or after the match has finished. First to 21 wins with no setting.
Cup ScoresheetTools
Mobile Score Board
Badminton Score Board you can use on your mobile. Swipe up and down or tap to change the scores. Refresh the page to reset the scores.
Score BoardTactics Board
A badminton tactics board that can be used as a training aid or to discuss match tactics. Simply move the players and shuttlecock around the board to demonstrate awareness and positioning.
Tactics Board